A few blind individuals came together in 1971 to form an Oregon affiliate of the National Federation of the Blind. These blind pioneers knew that some blind adults were not being paid minimum wages for their labor, that many blind home makers had not been taught alternative methods to manage their homes and cook their meals, that a considerable number of blind children were not being taught Braille, that college students were having great difficulty gaining access to text books necessary for successful completion of their courses, that blind persons were often not considered for jobs, and that blind parents were often assumed to be inadequate parents simply because of their blindness.

These blind visionaries realized that by working together, and through affiliation with the parent organization, they could over time, significantly improve the lives of blind Oregonians in all of the above instances. The national organization formed in 1940, and in all the member affiliates, similar situations existed. Much experience had already been gained and could be shared.

Since its inception, the NFB of Oregon has helped blind Oregonians get Social Security Disability Income (SSDI) to which they were entitled; has helped blind parents get custody of their children; has won for every blind child the right to learn Braille; has supported parents of blind children in their dealings with teachers; has awarded scholarships to college students to assist them with their educational expenses; and, through the NFB BELL Academy teaches Braille, self confidence, and alternative techniques to young blind children. It has also fought for fair wages for blind persons working in sheltered workshops.

The NFB of Oregon brought NFB-NEWSLINE®, an audio reading service that digitally produces hundreds of newspapers and magazines for the blind free of charge to Oregon. It visits the Oregon legislature when it is in session to advocate on issues that will impact the lives of blind people.

NFB of Oregon local chapters exist today in Portland, Salem, Corvallis, and Medford and an at-large chapter serves others through out the state. We are always looking for new members to join us in our efforts to improve the lives of the blind.

Joyce Green
Charter Member
NFB of Oregon