[Southern_Oregon_Chapter] august presidential release

Katie Taylor katiepsych09 at gmail.com
Tue Aug 3 01:10:43 UTC 2021

Hello fellow NFB members. President riccabono would like us to know that we
are making progress on passage of the ATA,and more in congress. Dates for
Washington seminar are still yet to be determined. During the next two
months president riccobono would like chapters to brainstorm about meet the
blind month and what the branding for that should be. Much was shared about
the convention, and president riccabono was pleased at the number of events,
and how well this year's second virtual national convention was attended. If
chapters need literature for meet the blind month they can call the
independence market to order it. President riccabono is pleased to see
chapters meeting in person, but he encourages members to do so safely. Thank
you for your time and attention I look forward to seeing you all at our
monthly meeting Katie VP Southern Oregon chapter 

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