[Southern_Oregon_Chapter] june minutes

Vivian Smith vcarlilesmith at icloud.com
Mon Jun 29 00:46:16 UTC 2020

Southern Oregon Chapter


Minutes, June 6, 2020


The meeting was called to order at 12:00pm.

Members in attendance:

Stephanie, Marven, Katie, Vivian, Chrissy, Cathy, Patrick, Corine, Norman,
Minh, Daniel, Ax,  John


Vivian reviewed the April minutes. Patrick motion to accept the minutes ,
Katie seconded and the motion passed.

Cathy read the treasures report.


May 1, 2020: Beginning Checking/Savings Account Balance $1519.93


Date      Check #                Amount               Reason Balance

5/15/20 Monthly Auto deduction              6.00        Money to National
NFB 1158.08

5/31/20 Cathy needs  reimb.       50.00     Amazon gift card f/NFB National
Conference      1108.08





Date      Amount               Reason                 Balance = 




Petty Cash Fund

Balance $3.28


Earned .05           $356.27

Combined Checking and Savings Account Balance

Checking account Balance             1108.08

Savings Account Balance                   356.27

Balance Total as of 4/30/2020     1464.35


Vivian motion to accept the report, Patrick seconded and the motion passed.

You need to register for national by june 15, it is freeand you will be
eligible for door prizes. If you plan on going to Eugene for the Oregon
gathering you also need to register on the Oregon website. Members need to
pay for transportation, Hotel will be covered by the affiliate. Registration
will be out next week.

Katie spoke on the presidential release.

President Riccobono spoke about the tragic death of George Floyd and how we
need to stand with black members.

The platform for national will be zoom. States are working on their own
birtual conventions.

Katie gave an interview for the braille monitor.

Remember to let Cathy know if you move so she can keep the directory

Patrick won the gift card.

Our next meeting will be on July 11 due to   the holiday.


Respectfully submitted by:

Vivian Carlile-Smith


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