[Rose_City_Chapter] Fwd: City Council Meeting - Thursday, June 20, 2024 9:30 a.m. Confirmation

Kirk Wagner kwagner8197 at gmail.com
Wed Jun 19 14:10:06 UTC 2024


> Begin forwarded message:
> From: Cody Hermeling <codyhermeling at icloud.com>
> Subject: Fwd: City Council Meeting - Thursday, June 20, 2024 9:30 a.m. Confirmation
> Date: June 18, 2024 at 7:57:00 PM PDT
> To: Kirk Wagner NFB Rose City Chapter <kwagner8197 at gmail.com>
> Hi Kirk, 
>  I just wanted to share the confirmation email i received for my County Counsel Testimony to be given on Thursday at the meeting to be held at 9:30am. Was hoping to show how relatively easy they make it for us to be heard in some fashion. Be it in person, via Zoom or written testimony. All my personal info is edited out so you can share this with the group… i hope it can be useful to some.
> Thank you Kirk, have a nice evening!
> -cody  
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> Begin forwarded message:
>>> From: Council Clerk <no-reply at zoom.us <mailto:no-reply at zoom.us>>
>>> Date: June 18, 2024 at 4:39:45 PM PDT
>>> To: codyhermeling at icloud.com <mailto:codyhermeling at icloud.com>
>>> Subject: City Council Meeting - Thursday, June 20, 2024 9:30 a.m. Confirmation
>>> Reply-To: Council Clerk <councilclerk at portlandoregon.gov <mailto:councilclerk at portlandoregon.gov>>
>>> Hi 546-**05. Cody Hermeling, 
>>> Thank you for registering for "City Council Meeting - Thursday, June 20, 2024 9:30 a.m.".
>>> Please see below for important information about participating in the meeting. Your Zoom invitation is located at the end of this email. 
>>> Visit https://www.portland.gov/council/agenda to view the agenda, testimony order, or to submit written testimony.
>>> City Council meetings are held in a hybrid format with both in-person and virtual participation. The Clerk will call your name when it is your turn to testify. Testimony is 3 minutes per individual unless otherwise stated during the meeting or on the agenda. A timer in the meeting will count down your remaining time with an audible alert when 30 seconds remain and again when your time is finished. When testifying during the meeting, state your name for the record. If you are a lobbyist appearing on behalf of a lobbying entity, you must also declare which lobbying entity you are authorized to represent in your testimony. (The City’s lobbying regulations can be found in City Code Chapter 2.12.)
>>> You can join the meeting in the following ways:
>>> • Virtually – use the Zoom link provided below and reference the virtual participation guidance.
>>> • By telephone – dial-in using the phone number and Webinar ID provided below. Enter *6 in your phone to unmute when your name is called to provide testimony. 
>>> • In-Person – visit 1900 SW Fourth Avenue, Room 2500, Portland, OR 97201. The room opens 15 minutes before the start of the meeting. Learn more about attending a Council meeting in-person at https://www.portland.gov/council-clerk/1900-building. 
>>> Guidance for participating in the meeting virtually:
>>> • You may join the meeting up to 30 minutes early to test your connection. 
>>> • When you connect to the meeting in the Zoom application, you will join with your video off and audio muted. When it is your turn to provide testimony, you will receive a message in Zoom to be promoted to a Panelist. Click the “Join as Panelist” option to reconnect to the meeting as a Panelist. 
>>> • The Council Clerk will call your name when it is your turn to testify. Please unmute yourself and optionally turn on your own video to address Council.
>>> Please submit any questions to: councilclerk at portlandoregon.gov <mailto:councilclerk at portlandoregon.gov>
>>> Date Time: Jun 20, 2024 09:30 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada) 
>>> Join from a PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone or Android device: 
>>> Click Here to Join <https://us06web.zoom.us/w/86967573502?tk=oLLkgk0oEuhzH5M_A3Yz0FAesCW2O0u18oXWLyrjX_w.DQYAAAAUP6vb_hZtQVpsSmJnZFNCQ2ZaOVJiYnJFWW5nAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA&pwd=masTkIMXmirHtckthZ3poMZ201zEK0.1&uuid=WN_PQhrgkc-RSu08Xe1ppiybw>
>>> Note: This link should not be shared with others; it is unique to you.
>>> Passcode: g*Nm*h*+0
>>> Add to Calendar <https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/tZIkce6tqTgvGtYBpyNFpCa2qlXxuX4hkv-B/ics?user_id=f9A5i1BAHCV_0yrnBYMEyAko7cQaqxgi8Xe1XldcZTcdfCdgeEA.2igmIJu5TiFNX43P&type=icalendar>    Add to Google Calendar <https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/tZIkce6tqTgvGtYBpyNFpCa2qlXxuX4hkv-B/calendar/google/add?user_id=qBTPIfAoCjc08H--h3meNe4ZXnL4OBxVqB23O1I6dZH7ARwnKGo.U6pTbzXULH-z7Wlq&type=google>   Add to Yahoo Calendar <https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/tZIkce6tqTgvGtYBpyNFpCa2qlXxuX4hkv-B/ics?user_id=mABs1kUaNQFF8QeVYLIJKuDoPvnUPDI0YRpdwdYTi27XrY5Sko0.hYMwYxXBHhFIou6X&type=yahoo>
>>> Or iPhone one-tap :
>>> US: 8887880099,,86967573502# (Toll Free)
>>> Or Telephone:
>>> Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):     
>>> US: 888 788 0099 (Toll Free)
>>> Webinar ID: 869 6757 3502 
>>> International numbers available: https://us06web.zoom.us/u/kcsN1QGEag
>>> Thank you, 
>>> Council Clerk’s Office
>>> Office of the City Auditor
>>> City of Portland | 1221 SW 4th Ave., Room 130 | Portland, OR 97204 
>>> Traducción e Interpretación | Biên Dịch và Thông Dịch | अनुवादन तथा व्याख्या
>>> 口笔译服务 | Устный и письменный перевод | Turjumaad iyo Fasiraad
>>> Письмовий і усний переклад | Traducere și interpretariat | Chiaku me Awewen Kapas
>>> Translation and Interpretation: 503-823-3561
>>> You can cancel <https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/tZIkce6tqTgvGtYBpyNFpCa2qlXxuX4hkv-B/success?act=cancel&user_id=nrMvrVWDhEsdcniPaIlV8Lo5mUUWjx-z_jlc8noiYMPTkWniWWY5A0c.iHaKmFZNBE1cMD1d> your registration at any time.

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