[Rose_City_Chapter] updated May chapter minutes

jerry.hathaway2 at frontier.com jerry.hathaway2 at frontier.com
Wed Jun 5 17:28:59 UTC 2024

I am pasting a updated May chapter minutes. If you see any other changes or
corrections or if the minutes look good to you please let me know.


NFBO Rose City Chapter

Minutes May 18, 2024


                Kirk called the chapter meeting to order and members
attending the meeting were  Kirk Wagner, Angel Ray, Jerry Hathaway, Jeff
Anderson, Tracy and Desmond Boyd, justice Chukka, Cody Hermeling, Joy
Relton, and Ryan McBee. Kirk reminded members to State your name to seek the
floor, Mute your phone unmute to vote. Kirk then asked for Introductions and
Icebreaker Tell us about your favorite summer activity. Joy Relton made a
motion and Tracy Boyd seconded the motion to approve the secretary's minutes
as submitted and the motion was passed by the members attending the chapter
meeting. Joy Relton gave the Treasurer's report for May 2024 with the
Beginning balance of $1,610.64 and the Ending balance is $1,643.64. Tracy
Boyd made a motion to have the Treasurer's report approved as read with Cody
Hermeling seconding the motion and the motion was passed by the members
attending the chapter meeting. Kirk next lead a discussion of the recent
chapter board meeting. The following standing committees were established:
Membership: to increase membership and the level of activity of members.
Social activities outside of meetings: Angel Ray and Jeff Anderson
volunteered to serve on this committee. Outreach: Meet prospective and
current members and escort to meetings and more outreach activities in our
communities. Legislative and Public Policy Ryan McBee volunteered to serve
on this committee. The state convention was discussed: it will be October 25
through 27 at the Radisson Hotel Portland Airport on Ne 78th Court. Kirk
reminded members that the chapter members can play important roles in the
convention in collecting door prizes and assisting in general administration
and coordination activities. Angel next reported on her efforts to find out
about a tour of the Portland Art museum. Proposed date August. The plan is
to have our August 17th meeting in the museum and lunch,  The tour will be
after lunch and will last about two hours. Angel will get back with us on
costs and choice of food etc. Joy Relton made a motion with Desmond Boyd
seconding that Angel set up the lunch and tour and to find lunch options not
to exceed $20 plus an additional $5 for fund raising for the chapter and the
motion was passed by the members attending the chapter meeting. There is no
minimum amount of people that have to attend the art tour. I estimated 15 to
20 just to give them an idea but it can still happen if it's less than 15.
Jeff Anderson will look into the calendar for audio described performances
that we might want to attend as a chapter social outing. We next discussed
the existence of a fund which is supposed to be maintained by the Bureau of
Transportation. The money was to be to provide some benefits to disabled
persons taking taxis and would be funded by adding an amount to taxi fares.
Jeff Anderson and Angel Ray will investigate the issue. Kirk reminded us of
the possibility to attend part of the national convention virtually but that
there was a cost to register and that this would also make you eligible to
win door prizes. Kirk played the Presidential release for May. Joy Relton
won the 50-50 drawing and donated her share of the proceeds to the chapter.
Kirk adjourned the chapter meeting.


Submitted by:

Jerry Hathaway, Secretary



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