What is the NFB of Oregon? 

The NFB of Oregon is the state affiliate of the National Federation of the Blind. Its members are also members of the Federation's national organization. The NFB of Oregon is a consumer organization made up primarily of blind people, but sighted people also join. Our mission is to improve the lives of blind Oregonians by providing assistance to parents, blind workers, consumers of rehabilitation services, and blind SSI & SSDI recipients. Federationists in Oregon educate the public about blindness through live presentations and through the distribution of literature. The NFB of Oregon is also working to change what it means to be blind by making legislators aware of the needs of blind Oregonians, and our efforts have resulted in the passage of a number of laws that benefit blind people in the state and throughout the nation. The Federation's Oregon affiliate also provides services such as NFB NEWSLINE® and a generous scholarship program for blind students.


Does the NFB of Oregon sponsor conventions and seminars? 

The NFB of Oregon holds its annual convention in the fall. We also sponsor seminars for special interest groups such as Oregon Association of Blind Students. Check back for information about upcoming seminars and/or conventions.


How can I join the NFB of Oregon? 

If you live in a city where there is a local chapter, you should attend local meetings and become a member through your chapter. Please visit our list of local chapters to see if there's a chapter near you. If your city does not have a chapter of the NFB of Oregon, you can become a member at-large. Before deciding to join, it would be a good idea to get as much information as possible about the organization so that you can make an informed decision about membership. You can obtain information from the nearest local chapter, the NFB of Oregon office, this website, or the NFB website. Read our literature. Listen to the speeches we have online. Talk to people, and ask questions. We are glad to answer them, and we know you will be a better member if you educate yourself.


How much does it cost to join a local chapter? 

Local dues are determined by each local chapter. It has been our policy to keep dues low so that even blind people who live on fixed incomes can afford to become an active part of the organization. Members at-large pay dues of $2.00 annually. Local chapter dues are usually somewhat higher. Contact your local chapter for more information.


Does the NFB of Oregon assist parents who need help with obtaining a quality education for their blind child? 

The NFB of Oregon often assists parents who are having difficulties with a local school district. There is no charge for the service, and we make a determination about whether or not we can help resolve problems on an individual basis. If we cannot help, we can often refer parents to other resources.


What is the procedure for requesting advocacy services from the NFB of Oregon?

To request advocacy assistance from the NFB of Oregon, you should contact the NFB of Oregon.


How do I apply for a scholarship from the NFB of Oregon?

Information about NFB of Oregon scholarships and our national scholarship program is available on this website. Applications for NFB of Oregon scholarships usually become available in the spring. Applications for national scholarships usually become available in the late fall or winter. Computer users may download the latest application anytime it is available online. The file will only be available online when we are accepting applications. Those who prefer a hard copy of the application can have one mailed to them by contacting any local chapter or NFB of Oregon. You may also send an email request to the state office.


Does the NFB of Oregon have special interest groups that address issues of importance to blind students? 

The Oregon Association of Blind Students, a division of the NFB of Oregon and an affiliate of the National Association of Blind Students is dedicated to dealing with the special issues that blind students face.


I am a member of Randolph Sheppard Program in Oregon, does the NFB of Oregon have a special interest group that deals with vendor issues? 

Please contact the NFB of Oregon or the National Association of Blind Merchants.